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In the June 8th issue in 1987, the Hounds Bark school newspaper printed the Class of '87's 'senior legacies'. Here they are for your enjoyment, amusement and/or embarassment.
I, Michelle Adams, leave a lot of trips to Santa Rosa and Uncompassion to Tracy 'Arrapaho' Buchignani, my camera and reverse driving skills to Angelina Henry, my Twin Oaks Way sign to Mr. Berry, my arms to Laura Perdue, all my toilet blades to Chal Bebber, and a lifetime supply of COMET to Silver Chesak.
Lance Ambuehl - I leave my left ankle (including all 48 stitiches) to whoever wants it.
I, Joe Arguelles, leave my size and weight to Chris Solderholm. My Giants' pennants to Mr. Berry and my brains to Jeanette Cook.
Eladia Arizmendez - I leave my freshman sex ed. notes to Julie Green.
I, Tim Auger, will my heart to spend another night with that older woman in May.
Roland Aviles - I leave my portrait for all the world to admire.
Stephanie Banfill - I leave all the 'good' times I had in Mr. Wheeler's class to all the upcoming seniors.
Bonnie Bauer - I leave my traditions of rowdiness and drinking to the class of 1988.
I, Matt Berry, leave my athletic skills to Ben Garcia, my trumpet playing skills to and advice to Dave Wilson, and anything to Tracy B. that she wants.
Julie Biasotti - I leave my beer collection to Rob North so he can party his butt off.
Tom Black - I leave my severe case of Senioritis to Tracy Buchignani.
Kelli Burkett - I leave all my crazy excuses I've given Hardaway to Jennifer Tusi.
Grant Butler - I leave Berry some common sense.
Ed Chiu - I leave nothing to no one.
Tracy Christensen - I leave Mr. Reading my copy of 'The Rock Garden', the word 'muppet' to Toni Kuba, the 6 inches between my ears to Mr. Berry, chinese food to Frances and Stef, and all my patience and sympathy to everyone else, you're going to need it.
I, Jill Conte, leave my piece of junk Japanese car to Todd Petersen, my waterbed to Michelle C., all my bathroom doorknobs to Shannon Baxley, and my bicycle to Mark Clausen.
Tammy Culver - I leave my habit of being in the halls to Angie Henry, my tolerance of Mr. Langford to Tracy Buchignani, and any bridges and sharp rocks to Shannon Baxley.
Vince Farmer - I leave all my pranks and rude remarks to the next dog squad.
I, Dean Giorgi, leave everything to myself.
I, Cathy Gumina, leave to Mr. Berry a ton of horse manure equivalent to the b.s. from his civics class. To Mr. Langford I leave money for a brain transplant considering his is quite fryyyyed! To Lloyd for not missing me or my car as we sped away during those boring classes, a big hug. To the administrators I'll send you a year's supply of wacky tobacky so next year's seniors will get away with murder - literally.
Sylvia Guzman - I leave my good looks, my wonderful laugh and all my fans to Jason Picard.
Shannon Haiston - I leave only hope to the future students of Mrs. H.
Wayne Holt - I leave my blanket to Tim Auger.
Jackie Jones - I leave my braces to Jill, and all the bad things about school to little orphan Annie, Horse, and pervert's daughter. Don't stare!
Tricia Kuba - I leave all the interesting and unforgettable memories of 'Toots' to any of those who remember the good ol' days.
Aaron Magdaleno - I leave my car stereos and fuzzy dice to my cousin Arthuro
Annie Martinez - I leave my thanks and appreciations to those faculty members who helped me through the four years.
Bryan McBurney - I leave all the bad jokes I never told, what little sanity I have left, good wishes for the future and lots of love to all my friends.
I, Mike Mehler, leave my locker to my little brother.
Pam Miles - I leave Richard all my good grades - so you can have fun trying to pass your classes with them.
Amita Moticka - I leave Suzi and Ariel another wonderful year in high school.
Penny Nichols - I will my basketball jersey, basketball shoes, and position to Amy Faloni, Stephanie Sommers and Chrissy Hohnstein (class of 1994).
Jon Niehaus - I leave Ed Chiu my Trowbridge T-shirt collection.
Kris Nielsen - I leave to my fellow juicer Jac in the Crack something I know she'll enjoy - D.F. HA HA!
Rob North - I leave my stick shift knob to TLD Old Red.
Todd Petersen - I leave everything to my dog Flash, except my silver medal I won at the state VICA competition, which I leave to Jon Niehaus.
Nate Pile - To Alexis 'Trubo' Bertauche, I leave all my used clarinet reeds; to Angie Henry I leave all my albums (when I'm done with them); and to Dave Wilson I will my ability to fall in love and do absolutely nothing about it.
I, Liz Puccioni, will a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol to Mrs. Heinonen.
Reyna Ramirez - I leave all of my precious names to my future precious nieces, my precious jewelry to my precious newly born niece Yvonne.
Sylvia Ramirez - I will my 'Big Bonkers' to Lorena Curiel for all the times she was jealous of them!
Jeannie Randolph - I leave Anna Moody my brains. Good luck! I leave Marci Dahlgren and Julie Herbert the party animal in me. I leave Heidi Newfield a roll of toilet paper, and Sandra Moody my senioritis.
I, Randy Ray, will my cars to someone with a tow truck.
Tracy Rivera-Yarnal - I leave my entire last name to those who can't pronounce it.
Rand Rodgers - I leave my trigonometry knowledge to Grant Butler for when he returns next year!
Rachael Rosales - I leave my long nails to my friend Maria (Girl, stop biting your nails!). My jewelry to Anna J. and my intelligence to my cousin Anita.
Debra Sedeno - I leave all my thanks to Mrs. Adams and Mr. Ramirez for helping make my wishes come true.
Tammy Shirley - I leave my school books to my locker, where they've been since Sept. 2. I also give my deepest sympathy to those people who remain here.
Daina Silva - I leave Gina Sbrana my long nails that never grew, my seat in band, and my good grades (HA HA!)
Cheree Tappin - I leave my eyes to Ms. Citti, my chest to Ms. Zimmer, my left arm to Mr. Berry, my pitching arm to Mr. T. and my body to the sex education department.
Rob Thiessen - I leave all of my 38 stitches and my scar on my chin to whoever wants to play my kickoff return position.
Maria Torres - I leave my jewelry to my little sister and all my pictures to my boyfriend and his chains with the Playboy charms.
Todd Trask - I leave all rights of my records to Jumping Matt Flash.
Tony Van der Boon - I leave all my best wishes to Catherine Garayalde for being my steady steady.
Sandy Villagomez - I leave my posterity to Mr. Hertz.
Dena Watson - I leave H.A.A. to Kathy Eno, and all my love and friendship to Kate and Angie, and a million thank you's to Mr. Lopez.
Lesli Webb - I leave what's left of my mind to Mr. Filippi to use for scientific purposes.
Deanna Williams - I leave my Senority to 'The Fig No. 1' - April Claveria, my one and only cuz.
I, Andrew Wilson, leave my B.S. opinions of Reagan to Mr. Berry.
Kristen Young - I leave blah blah blah to Jeff Squatritto for the blah of it.